Best Preschool in Gurgaon

What makes “Chalk Tree” Best Preschool in Gurgaon

Children ranging from the age group of four to six spend a few precious hours in school where they are facilitated to discover themselves by engaging in free play activities. Formal learning is not focused upon during these formative years, but the focus is laid on building students interest and recognition. All this is assisted by teachers who understand the physical, mental, emotional, social, cognitive developmental level of kids. To address the true developmental needs of children at the initial stage, teachers at Chalk Tree global school make all possible efforts. This is what helped us to gain the accolade of being one of the Best preschool in Gurgaon.

We help them to nurture their dreams by nourishing the young mind based on their abilities. We facilitate them to build their confidence and to prepare them to be virtuous adults. We influence them never to give up and promote healthy mental and physical development. It is believed that most of the mental development happens during the first five years. It makes early education vital and promising, and thus, we upkeep all possibilities for our children to explore.

What sets us apart from other preschools is our clear approach with the clarity of purpose, talented faculty, and apparent outcomes. Our mission is to prepare global citizens committed to face societal challenges and make differences. We are aimed at building holistic personalities and training them to revere their basic human instincts.

Promoting “learning by doing” we ensure active involvement of all our students in fun-filled activities. Activities like playing games, exploring outdoors, commencing simple experiments, free expression, joining blocks not only charm the kinds but also develops their interest in attending school. These activities act as foundation builders for later education.

We ensure child-centered and play-based learning at this stage to forge reliable base. This being the pre-operational stage, we inspire kids to read, allow them to use their mother tongue, and also encourage them for intrinsic motivation. We promote healthy teacher-parent relationship for the betterment of kids.  We maintain a specific child teacher ratio of 1:12to allow the teacher to pay equal attention to each child on an individual basis.

Our teachers and students tread on the path of the academic journey together, where both of them respect and complement each other. We, as a family, focus on building character traits to make our kids excel all the level of human development. With their well-defined approach and a clear objective, they entrance in finding the joy of life by mastering individual challenges. This helps us in building trust and delivering satisfaction to all the parents and thus forging our reputation as being one of the Top preschool in Gurgaon.

The formative years of life help to shape an individual for life. And the training begins within the nurturing confines of a preschool. Chalk Tree Global School is a top preschool in Gurgaon, equipped with the best infrastructure and teachers trained in early years learning.

Pick Top Preschool in Gurgaon

At the tender age of 2 to 4 years, Preschools Admission in Gurgaon help children to learn basic reading, writing and counting skills. Teachers also concentrate on their mental and emotional well being and impart important life skills. Learning becomes fun and enjoyable with activities like:

  • Role-Playing
  • Dramatics
  • Storytelling
  • Rhymes
  • Dance and Music
  • Why You Should Opt for best 10 preschool in gurgaon

    Preschool imparts life lessons to children at a very young age. It helps children in many ways.

    • Provides an opportunity for growth
    • Prepares children for kindergarten
    • Promotes emotional and social development
    • Chalk Tree prepares young minds for the world outside. Talk to our team at +91 7701872424 or +91 8800885560 or mail us at for more information about our teaching methods.